Saturday, May 11, 2013

#44 - The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald

The first time I read this book was for AP Literature my Junior year of High School.  Even back then I loved it.

The next time I read it was on a college bus trip where I found some amazing analogies to my real romantic entanglements.  That was when I first bought my now worn and faded copy.

There have been several re-reads since then but this year's pick up was in anticipation of the new Baz Luhrman film and the resulting Posse Fieldtrip.  If you are debating seeing the movie - let me tell you now - stop debating and GO SEE IT!  It's beautiful and true to the story and you need to see it now.

The thing that struck me on this run through wasn't just the characters and imagery because those things have been indelibly pressed into my mind for the past 20 was how concise the writing is.  After reading so many modern novels that spill over into 300+ pages, I was struck by how light Gatsby is in pages but how heavy in theme. Fitzgerald lets his readers fill in his blanks.  He doesn't need to describe every blade of grass on the lawn, the shape or size of the green light, or even full physical descriptions of the characters but anyone who has read the book will describe Jordan Baker with the same birdlike precision, the house with the same magnificence.  It's a talent and the mark of a true author.

Loved it as much as the first time but for totally different reasons.

On Deck: Where'd You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple
In Progress: Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer (audio)

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