Sunday, June 30, 2013

#61 - The Spellman Files by Lisa Lutz

On the recommendation of Posse founder Jenni I loaded "The Spellman Files" onto my nook to read while I was on vacation last week.  It's amazing that, even with 30 hours of drive time I still didn't get much reading time...all that being said, this book was the perfect choice for a vacation read so a big THANKS goes out to Jenni!

When you first pick up this book, give yourself a few chapters to get used to the rhythm and the style of storytelling that Lutz employs, as the book draws down all of the lines do get woven together wonderfully.  Isabel's character is incredibly well written.  I couldn't help but make the obvious comparison to Stephanie Plum but so much more well written and multi-dimensional.  All of the relationships between the Spellman kids felt very genuine and each personality had a voice all their own.  If that weren't the case, the back and forth nature of the story line would have lost its cohesiveness.

If you are looking for a great summer read - definitely pick up The Spellman files!

Goodreads rating: 4 stars

In Progress: Super Boys by Brad Ricca
(audio) Shut Up, Quit Whining and Get A Life by Larry Winget

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