Saturday, June 1, 2013

#52 - Sway by Amber McRee Turner

I'd like to meet the marketing genius who decided to put out a new free iBook next to the tip jar at the Starbucks every Tuesday. A book with my coffee? Why thank you, I would love one!  Well played marketing genius...

The second part of the genius of this ploy, is that I would have never have picked up this sweet little novel if it weren't on the iTunes card.  This book sat in my iBooks queue for a long time but I am really happy that I finally had a chance to get through it.

The novel starts off with a young girl who's world gets "swayed" by the abrupt entrance and exit of her mother.  To help fill the gap left by her mother, her dad takes her on a reluctant road trip where she is introduced to a different kind of "sway". I'm trying really hard not to talk about the Magic Soap Slivers because it feels like it would cheapen the sparkle of the story.

Everyone needs a little sway in their lives.  I look forward to any further offerings from Ms. Turner.

Goodreads Rating: 4.5 stars rounded up.

On Deck: The Silver Star by Jeanette Walls
In Progress: Memory in Death by J.D. Robb

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