Sunday, February 24, 2013

#19 - Motherhood by Erma Bombeck

I received a free copy of this collection of essays via NetGalley as it was republished as an ebook in January 2013.

I have read Erma Bombeck mostly in just short story or quotable format in the past so it was interesting to have a collection available to read in chunks while waiting for kids to get out of practices, between appointments and as I was drifting off to sleep at night.  It's interesting to me that a book originally published when I was barely potty trained would still be so poignant now that I am raising my own children.  The stories contained are full of little things that we mommas think but don't always say.  Having this collection of stories altogether make you realize that the things that fall from your mouth aren't exclusive to you, that we are all in this together and need to have a little fun while we are doing this thing called Motherhood.

This book is great to read in small bites if you are waiting to pick up kids, in a doctor's waiting room or just before bed.  Keep it in your handbag or on your ereader for a quick fix when you need it ;)

Goodreads rating: 4 stars

In Progress (audio) Vision in Death by JD Robb
In Progress/on deck: Cutting for Stone (this is my week with this I can FEEL it) In the Body of the World by Eve Ensler.

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