Wednesday, February 13, 2013

#15 - Coming Back Stronger by Drew Brees

See, I told you that I was just at a bottleneck! Finally I am black in the flow of reading and spending some "me time" before I go to sleep at night.

I normally wouldn't have picked up a book like this, however, I have a hard time saying no to free literature and the lovely folks at BookBub alerted me to this free offering for my nook and I downloaded it.  As a twist of fate, I happened to be in the car and finished another book so when I flipped back to my library, there it was waiting for me so I gave it a chance.

I'm glad I did.  I've never been a big football fan but this book was thankfully light on the sports speak, with enough details to make sure you understand the stakes of each game and what was on the line for the team.

What struck me about the Brees story wasn't the athleticism, it was how Drew approached each challenge he was presented throughout growing up, his career and even his family.  He leaned on his faith in all situations and gave the glory to God.  He always believed that every time he was struck down; whether by an injury, a contract negotiation, or a personal problem, that his hard work and determination and faith would bring him back stronger than he was before.  Not only did he believe  it, but it worked! His road to having his own family and his very own Superbowl ring was inspiring to say the least.  Yes, there were plenty of cliche's but there were also so many moments (i.e. Drew's time with the Marine's in Guantanamo and his connection to the city) that really were good things to incorporate in your own life.

Drew leaves his readers with some tips to overcome their own situations and adversity.  While I wouldn't call it a self help book at all, it definitely gives you something to think about the next time life knocks you down.

Goodreads rating: 4 stars
In Progress: Hacker Mom by Austen Rachlis
Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese
On Deck (audio): Visions in Death by J.D. Robb  (just need a little brain candy)

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