1. I got immediately set my DVR for all episodes
2. I loaded up my posse and took off for the store
3. Proceeded to geek out and practically wet myself when the owner/star of the show eavesdropped on/commented on our conversation about our husbands. Mmm...mocha...
I am proud - I didn't go full on fan girl - no autographs pictures with the guys, etc but yeah my inner geek was squealing just a little bit (ok a lot bit) Enough to justify the self portrait with the coffee...
Here's the posse at the front entrance Happy to be together...Jenni from Reading at Random and Mandi from The Insomniac Bibliophile and me with the double chins...
But sad that Lindsey couldn't be with us too...although it was for a good reason...had to be if she wasn't with us right???
All around - an amazing (and much needed) day with my Posse!
Posse fieldtrip rating: 4 stars (one missing star for one missing member (see frowny face photo above)
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