Wednesday, October 2, 2013

#78 - The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis

Yup, I got curious about the latest "Oprah's Book Club" offering. It wasn't what I expected at all but that didn't mean I didn't find it enjoyable.  It's hard to pinpoint exactly  how I feel about this novel in stories.

I enjoyed Hattie as a character - there were parts of her that I really related to, especially in the "Bell" chapter when she observed that Hattie the mother had to be harder edged than she ever was in private.  Raising children is one of the hardest jobs in the entire universe.  All you can do is love on them, keep them safe and fed and healthy and pray that it is enough.

...there is the other side of how I felt about this book.  At some point, we have to let our children go and we have NO idea how they are going to assimilate the knowledge and love that we tried to give.  Are they going to be happy? Choose the right people to love? Take care of themselves the way we would take care of them?

Sadly, for Hattie's tribes, they all seemed to move astray.  Interestingly, as the stories progressed, many of them looked back to their mother and realized why she had to be the way she was and what she went through, much the same way I looked back and marveled at all that my parents did for me after that turbulent late teens time subsided.

The main complaint I have about this book was probably the setup.  There was very little resolution for any of the stories, a brief window opens into their lives and then closes again, some stories I was done with by the time the chapter ended , others I wanted to know more after the story closed.

Goodreads rating: 4 stars

In progress: (paper) A Secret Kept by Tatiana DeRosnay
(audio) Creation in Death by J.D. Robb

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